Wednesday, January 5, 2011

God's Mercy is Our Pencil Eraser (part 1)

I don’t have much use for a pencil anymore.  Not since my first couple of years of high school have I routinely used a pencil. As I got older, I noticed my teachers would allow us to use pens.  However, I remember in grade school a pencil was a primary requirement for school.  Just as much as I had to have a pencil, I also had to have an eraser.   There are many types of erasers.  I personally liked the ones that just slide on top of my pencil.
There are many, many people today that live in constant torment because of past decisions, failures, and mistakes.  The devil is relentlessly reminding these people of their flawed past.  Too often severe depression plays a major role in their life.  “After all you made that bed, so you lay in it”!
Well God sent me to tell you that He wants to make up your bed! Over and over in the Word, the Holy Spirit has pointed out to me how that God’s Mercy is our pencil eraser.  In other words, that messed up past (no matter how messed up it is) is no match for God’s Mercy!
In the first book of Timothy, chapter one, Paul describes himself before Christ as being “The Chief Sinner”.  Paul is basically saying that of all the sinners on the earth during that time, I was the leader!  The devil deceived Paul into believing that by killing the Christians he was doing God a just service.  Nevertheless, look at what Paul writes in 1st Tim Ch. 1:16, Howbeit for this cause I obtained mercy, … Paul clearly insinuates that yes I did have a messed up pass, but because of God’s Mercy it has been erased.  King David said the same thing in Psalm 94:18, When I said, “My foot slippeth; thy mercy, O Lord held me up.  This is very powerful verse! Of coarse there will be times when you slip up and do something stupid.  That slip should have set you back; it should have caused a major delay in receiving from God.  However, your mess up ain’t bigger than God’s Mercy!!!!  The Mercy of God is available to assist you to finish your course.  I’m not preaching you can do what ever you want and it is o.k.  I’m saying to the person that is in the will of God, and he/she is pursuing God with real passion His Mercy is available.  Always remember this:  On the other side of your obedience to God is your blessing!

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoy reading these Ron. When I think about the Lord, and all He has done, my soul cries out Halelujuah! If it had not been for the Lord on my side; I would probably be in a grave some where. He is merciful, and He loves us unconditionally. I could be dead from fornication, adultery, alcoholism, sickness, and diseases but my God in Heaven is an awesome God! A righteous God! A Holy God! I am overcome by the blood of the lamb and by the words of my testimony. He is a God that restores. Psalms 136:1 says, Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good!
    For His mercy endures forever!
